Saturday, March 30, 2019

Brighten your smile with sparkling tips

The very first thing you do when you meet someone is SMILING. It is the confident smile that makes your day beautiful and makes you cherish the moments. The attention gathering thing among the crowd is the bold and beautiful smile that makes you remember for the people. So let us see some great tips that can be followed at home to make your smile a little bit extra glittering.
Healthy diet:
Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots act as natural teeth cleansers. You will have extra benefit when you eat them raw. Calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese, almonds, and yogurt play a huge role in making your teeth stronger. Intake of proper diet helps your teeth to be stronger and whiter too. Make a diet plan rich in protein and eat a lot of fresh vegetables. Avoid foods that are processed, especially high in sugars.
Oil pulling
Ayurveda suggests the technique ‘Oil pulling’ which not only helps your tooth stronger but also helps you to get rid of various diseases. Rinse and gargle your mouth with coconut oil or gingerly oil or olive oil for five to ten minutes. This technique keeps your teeth stronger, healthier, and free from cavities as a dentist inHyattsville MD do.
As our elders used to suggest, clove is one of the best home remedies for toothache. Alternatively cotton dipped in clove oil can also be used to get relief from pain. Peppermint tea bags also can be used as a pain reliever. While these are temporary ways, the best and permanent method is to see the dentist in Hyattsville MD.
Remove the harmful foods
Yes, as you guess it is sugar that harms your precious smile. Sugar is the devil for your smiling teeth. Dentists in Hyattsville MD highly recommend avoiding sugary intake as this contributes to tooth decay. Artificial sweeteners, refined vegetable oils, and fatty things are harmful to your oral health.
Limit the number of snacks you take. On the other hand, you can choose healthy snacks like vegetables or fruits. This will lessen the harm that happens to your teeth and lessens the chances for cavities.
Role of vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins vitamin D and vitamin A are important for tooth formation. Vitamin K2 helps the protein production that stimulates the carrying of minerals and immune factors. These vitamins help the tooth enamel to get stronger and make the defense system work properly. So it is important to take fat-soluble vitamin rich foods like eggs, liver, butter and milk products. Get the free natural vitamin D from sunlight to top up your teeth strength.
Good oral health is not a luxury thing; with simple practices and good care from a dentist in Hyattsville MDboost your dental health. When you make dental health as a part of your daily routine and regular dental checkups ensure the best care for your teeth. Oral problems go up as we grow age. But as long as you maintain good dental health, the life of quality will be great.